ImageFile Module

The ImageFile module provides support functions for the image open and save functions.

In addition, it provides a Parser class which can be used to decode an image piece by piece (e.g. while receiving it over a network connection). This class implements the same consumer interface as the standard sgmllib and xmllib modules.

Example: Parse an image

from PIL import ImageFile

fp = open("hopper.ppm", "rb")

p = ImageFile.Parser()

while 1:
    s =
    if not s:

im = p.close()"copy.jpg")


class PIL.ImageFile._Tile[source]

Bases: NamedTuple

_Tile(codec_name, extents, offset, args)

codec_name: str

Alias for field number 0

extents: tuple[int, int, int, int] | None

Alias for field number 1

offset: int

Alias for field number 2

args: tuple[Any, ...] | str | None

Alias for field number 3

class PIL.ImageFile.Parser[source]

Incremental image parser. This class implements the standard feed/close consumer interface.

close() Image[source]

(Consumer) Close the stream.


An image object.


OSError – If the parser failed to parse the image file either because it cannot be identified or cannot be decoded.

feed(data: bytes) None[source]

(Consumer) Feed data to the parser.


data – A string buffer.


OSError – If the parser failed to parse the image file.

reset() None[source]

(Consumer) Reset the parser. Note that you can only call this method immediately after you’ve created a parser; parser instances cannot be reused.

class PIL.ImageFile.PyCodec[source]
cleanup() None[source]

Override to perform codec specific cleanup



init(args: tuple[Any, ...]) None[source]

Override to perform codec specific initialization


args – Tuple of arg items from the tile entry



setfd(fd: IO[bytes]) None[source]

Called from ImageFile to set the Python file-like object


fd – A Python file-like object



setimage(im: Image.core.ImagingCore, extents: tuple[int, int, int, int] | None = None) None[source]

Called from ImageFile to set the core output image for the codec

  • im – A core image object

  • extents – a 4 tuple of (x0, y0, x1, y1) defining the rectangle for this tile



class PIL.ImageFile.PyDecoder[source]

Bases: PyCodec

Python implementation of a format decoder. Override this class and add the decoding logic in the decode() method.

See Writing Your Own File Codec in Python

decode(buffer: bytes | SupportsArrayInterface) tuple[int, int][source]

Override to perform the decoding process.


buffer – A bytes object with the data to be decoded.


A tuple of (bytes consumed, errcode). If finished with decoding return -1 for the bytes consumed. Err codes are from ImageFile.ERRORS.

set_as_raw(data: bytes, rawmode: str | None = None, extra: tuple[Any, ...] = ()) None[source]

Convenience method to set the internal image from a stream of raw data

  • data – Bytes to be set

  • rawmode – The rawmode to be used for the decoder. If not specified, it will default to the mode of the image

  • extra – Extra arguments for the decoder.



class PIL.ImageFile.PyEncoder[source]

Bases: PyCodec

Python implementation of a format encoder. Override this class and add the decoding logic in the encode() method.

See Writing Your Own File Codec in Python

encode(bufsize: int) tuple[int, int, bytes][source]

Override to perform the encoding process.


bufsize – Buffer size.


A tuple of (bytes encoded, errcode, bytes). If finished with encoding return 1 for the error code. Err codes are from ImageFile.ERRORS.

encode_to_file(fh: int, bufsize: int) int[source]
  • fh – File handle.

  • bufsize – Buffer size.


If finished successfully, return 0. Otherwise, return an error code. Err codes are from ImageFile.ERRORS.

encode_to_pyfd() tuple[int, int][source]

If pushes_fd is True, then this method will be used, and encode() will only be called once.


A tuple of (bytes consumed, errcode). Err codes are from ImageFile.ERRORS.

class PIL.ImageFile.ImageFile[source]

Bases: Image

Base class for image file format handlers.

tile: list[_Tile]

A list of tile descriptors

close() None[source]

Closes the file pointer, if possible.

This operation will destroy the image core and release its memory. The image data will be unusable afterward.

This function is required to close images that have multiple frames or have not had their file read and closed by the load() method. See File Handling in Pillow for more information.

get_child_images() list[ImageFile][source]
get_format_mimetype() str | None[source]
verify() None[source]

Check file integrity

load() Image.core.PixelAccess | None[source]

Load image data based on tile list

load_prepare() None[source]
load_end() None[source]
class PIL.ImageFile.StubHandler[source]

Bases: object

class PIL.ImageFile.StubImageFile[source]

Bases: ImageFile

Base class for stub image loaders.

A stub loader is an image loader that can identify files of a certain format, but relies on external code to load the file.

load() Image.core.PixelAccess | None[source]

Load image data based on tile list



Whether or not to load truncated image files. User code may change this.


Dict of known error codes returned from PyDecoder.decode(), PyEncoder.encode() PyEncoder.encode_to_pyfd() and PyEncoder.encode_to_file().