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Source code for PIL.ExifTags
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# EXIF tags
# Copyright (c) 2003 by Secret Labs AB
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
This module provides constants and clear-text names for various
well-known EXIF tags.
from __future__ import annotations
from enum import IntEnum
class Base ( IntEnum ):
# possibly incomplete
InteropIndex = 0x0001
ProcessingSoftware = 0x000B
NewSubfileType = 0x00FE
SubfileType = 0x00FF
ImageWidth = 0x0100
ImageLength = 0x0101
BitsPerSample = 0x0102
Compression = 0x0103
PhotometricInterpretation = 0x0106
Thresholding = 0x0107
CellWidth = 0x0108
CellLength = 0x0109
FillOrder = 0x010A
DocumentName = 0x010D
ImageDescription = 0x010E
Make = 0x010F
Model = 0x0110
StripOffsets = 0x0111
Orientation = 0x0112
SamplesPerPixel = 0x0115
RowsPerStrip = 0x0116
StripByteCounts = 0x0117
MinSampleValue = 0x0118
MaxSampleValue = 0x0119
XResolution = 0x011A
YResolution = 0x011B
PlanarConfiguration = 0x011C
PageName = 0x011D
FreeOffsets = 0x0120
FreeByteCounts = 0x0121
GrayResponseUnit = 0x0122
GrayResponseCurve = 0x0123
T4Options = 0x0124
T6Options = 0x0125
ResolutionUnit = 0x0128
PageNumber = 0x0129
TransferFunction = 0x012D
Software = 0x0131
DateTime = 0x0132
Artist = 0x013B
HostComputer = 0x013C
Predictor = 0x013D
WhitePoint = 0x013E
PrimaryChromaticities = 0x013F
ColorMap = 0x0140
HalftoneHints = 0x0141
TileWidth = 0x0142
TileLength = 0x0143
TileOffsets = 0x0144
TileByteCounts = 0x0145
SubIFDs = 0x014A
InkSet = 0x014C
InkNames = 0x014D
NumberOfInks = 0x014E
DotRange = 0x0150
TargetPrinter = 0x0151
ExtraSamples = 0x0152
SampleFormat = 0x0153
SMinSampleValue = 0x0154
SMaxSampleValue = 0x0155
TransferRange = 0x0156
ClipPath = 0x0157
XClipPathUnits = 0x0158
YClipPathUnits = 0x0159
Indexed = 0x015A
JPEGTables = 0x015B
OPIProxy = 0x015F
JPEGProc = 0x0200
JpegIFOffset = 0x0201
JpegIFByteCount = 0x0202
JpegRestartInterval = 0x0203
JpegLosslessPredictors = 0x0205
JpegPointTransforms = 0x0206
JpegQTables = 0x0207
JpegDCTables = 0x0208
JpegACTables = 0x0209
YCbCrCoefficients = 0x0211
YCbCrSubSampling = 0x0212
YCbCrPositioning = 0x0213
ReferenceBlackWhite = 0x0214
XMLPacket = 0x02BC
RelatedImageFileFormat = 0x1000
RelatedImageWidth = 0x1001
RelatedImageLength = 0x1002
Rating = 0x4746
RatingPercent = 0x4749
ImageID = 0x800D
CFARepeatPatternDim = 0x828D
BatteryLevel = 0x828F
Copyright = 0x8298
ExposureTime = 0x829A
FNumber = 0x829D
ImageResources = 0x8649
ExifOffset = 0x8769
InterColorProfile = 0x8773
ExposureProgram = 0x8822
SpectralSensitivity = 0x8824
GPSInfo = 0x8825
ISOSpeedRatings = 0x8827
OECF = 0x8828
Interlace = 0x8829
TimeZoneOffset = 0x882A
SelfTimerMode = 0x882B
SensitivityType = 0x8830
StandardOutputSensitivity = 0x8831
RecommendedExposureIndex = 0x8832
ISOSpeed = 0x8833
ISOSpeedLatitudeyyy = 0x8834
ISOSpeedLatitudezzz = 0x8835
ExifVersion = 0x9000
DateTimeOriginal = 0x9003
DateTimeDigitized = 0x9004
OffsetTime = 0x9010
OffsetTimeOriginal = 0x9011
OffsetTimeDigitized = 0x9012
ComponentsConfiguration = 0x9101
CompressedBitsPerPixel = 0x9102
ShutterSpeedValue = 0x9201
ApertureValue = 0x9202
BrightnessValue = 0x9203
ExposureBiasValue = 0x9204
MaxApertureValue = 0x9205
SubjectDistance = 0x9206
MeteringMode = 0x9207
LightSource = 0x9208
Flash = 0x9209
FocalLength = 0x920A
Noise = 0x920D
ImageNumber = 0x9211
SecurityClassification = 0x9212
ImageHistory = 0x9213
TIFFEPStandardID = 0x9216
MakerNote = 0x927C
UserComment = 0x9286
SubsecTime = 0x9290
SubsecTimeOriginal = 0x9291
SubsecTimeDigitized = 0x9292
AmbientTemperature = 0x9400
Humidity = 0x9401
Pressure = 0x9402
WaterDepth = 0x9403
Acceleration = 0x9404
CameraElevationAngle = 0x9405
XPTitle = 0x9C9B
XPComment = 0x9C9C
XPAuthor = 0x9C9D
XPKeywords = 0x9C9E
XPSubject = 0x9C9F
FlashPixVersion = 0xA000
ColorSpace = 0xA001
ExifImageWidth = 0xA002
ExifImageHeight = 0xA003
RelatedSoundFile = 0xA004
ExifInteroperabilityOffset = 0xA005
FlashEnergy = 0xA20B
SpatialFrequencyResponse = 0xA20C
FocalPlaneXResolution = 0xA20E
FocalPlaneYResolution = 0xA20F
FocalPlaneResolutionUnit = 0xA210
SubjectLocation = 0xA214
ExposureIndex = 0xA215
SensingMethod = 0xA217
FileSource = 0xA300
SceneType = 0xA301
CFAPattern = 0xA302
CustomRendered = 0xA401
ExposureMode = 0xA402
WhiteBalance = 0xA403
DigitalZoomRatio = 0xA404
FocalLengthIn35mmFilm = 0xA405
SceneCaptureType = 0xA406
GainControl = 0xA407
Contrast = 0xA408
Saturation = 0xA409
Sharpness = 0xA40A
DeviceSettingDescription = 0xA40B
SubjectDistanceRange = 0xA40C
ImageUniqueID = 0xA420
CameraOwnerName = 0xA430
BodySerialNumber = 0xA431
LensSpecification = 0xA432
LensMake = 0xA433
LensModel = 0xA434
LensSerialNumber = 0xA435
CompositeImage = 0xA460
CompositeImageCount = 0xA461
CompositeImageExposureTimes = 0xA462
Gamma = 0xA500
PrintImageMatching = 0xC4A5
DNGVersion = 0xC612
DNGBackwardVersion = 0xC613
UniqueCameraModel = 0xC614
LocalizedCameraModel = 0xC615
CFAPlaneColor = 0xC616
CFALayout = 0xC617
LinearizationTable = 0xC618
BlackLevelRepeatDim = 0xC619
BlackLevel = 0xC61A
BlackLevelDeltaH = 0xC61B
BlackLevelDeltaV = 0xC61C
WhiteLevel = 0xC61D
DefaultScale = 0xC61E
DefaultCropOrigin = 0xC61F
DefaultCropSize = 0xC620
ColorMatrix1 = 0xC621
ColorMatrix2 = 0xC622
CameraCalibration1 = 0xC623
CameraCalibration2 = 0xC624
ReductionMatrix1 = 0xC625
ReductionMatrix2 = 0xC626
AnalogBalance = 0xC627
AsShotNeutral = 0xC628
AsShotWhiteXY = 0xC629
BaselineExposure = 0xC62A
BaselineNoise = 0xC62B
BaselineSharpness = 0xC62C
BayerGreenSplit = 0xC62D
LinearResponseLimit = 0xC62E
CameraSerialNumber = 0xC62F
LensInfo = 0xC630
ChromaBlurRadius = 0xC631
AntiAliasStrength = 0xC632
ShadowScale = 0xC633
DNGPrivateData = 0xC634
MakerNoteSafety = 0xC635
CalibrationIlluminant1 = 0xC65A
CalibrationIlluminant2 = 0xC65B
BestQualityScale = 0xC65C
RawDataUniqueID = 0xC65D
OriginalRawFileName = 0xC68B
OriginalRawFileData = 0xC68C
ActiveArea = 0xC68D
MaskedAreas = 0xC68E
AsShotICCProfile = 0xC68F
AsShotPreProfileMatrix = 0xC690
CurrentICCProfile = 0xC691
CurrentPreProfileMatrix = 0xC692
ColorimetricReference = 0xC6BF
CameraCalibrationSignature = 0xC6F3
ProfileCalibrationSignature = 0xC6F4
AsShotProfileName = 0xC6F6
NoiseReductionApplied = 0xC6F7
ProfileName = 0xC6F8
ProfileHueSatMapDims = 0xC6F9
ProfileHueSatMapData1 = 0xC6FA
ProfileHueSatMapData2 = 0xC6FB
ProfileToneCurve = 0xC6FC
ProfileEmbedPolicy = 0xC6FD
ProfileCopyright = 0xC6FE
ForwardMatrix1 = 0xC714
ForwardMatrix2 = 0xC715
PreviewApplicationName = 0xC716
PreviewApplicationVersion = 0xC717
PreviewSettingsName = 0xC718
PreviewSettingsDigest = 0xC719
PreviewColorSpace = 0xC71A
PreviewDateTime = 0xC71B
RawImageDigest = 0xC71C
OriginalRawFileDigest = 0xC71D
SubTileBlockSize = 0xC71E
RowInterleaveFactor = 0xC71F
ProfileLookTableDims = 0xC725
ProfileLookTableData = 0xC726
OpcodeList1 = 0xC740
OpcodeList2 = 0xC741
OpcodeList3 = 0xC74E
NoiseProfile = 0xC761
"""Maps EXIF tags to tag names."""
TAGS = {
** { i . value : i . name for i in Base },
0x920C : "SpatialFrequencyResponse" ,
0x9214 : "SubjectLocation" ,
0x9215 : "ExposureIndex" ,
0x828E : "CFAPattern" ,
0x920B : "FlashEnergy" ,
0x9216 : "TIFF/EPStandardID" ,
class GPS ( IntEnum ):
GPSVersionID = 0x00
GPSLatitudeRef = 0x01
GPSLatitude = 0x02
GPSLongitudeRef = 0x03
GPSLongitude = 0x04
GPSAltitudeRef = 0x05
GPSAltitude = 0x06
GPSTimeStamp = 0x07
GPSSatellites = 0x08
GPSStatus = 0x09
GPSMeasureMode = 0x0A
GPSSpeedRef = 0x0C
GPSSpeed = 0x0D
GPSTrackRef = 0x0E
GPSTrack = 0x0F
GPSImgDirectionRef = 0x10
GPSImgDirection = 0x11
GPSMapDatum = 0x12
GPSDestLatitudeRef = 0x13
GPSDestLatitude = 0x14
GPSDestLongitudeRef = 0x15
GPSDestLongitude = 0x16
GPSDestBearingRef = 0x17
GPSDestBearing = 0x18
GPSDestDistanceRef = 0x19
GPSDestDistance = 0x1A
GPSProcessingMethod = 0x1B
GPSAreaInformation = 0x1C
GPSDateStamp = 0x1D
GPSDifferential = 0x1E
GPSHPositioningError = 0x1F
"""Maps EXIF GPS tags to tag names."""
GPSTAGS = { i . value : i . name for i in GPS }
class Interop ( IntEnum ):
InteropIndex = 0x0001
InteropVersion = 0x0002
RelatedImageFileFormat = 0x1000
RelatedImageWidth = 0x1001
RelatedImageHeight = 0x1002
class IFD ( IntEnum ):
Exif = 0x8769
GPSInfo = 0x8825
MakerNote = 0x927C
Makernote = 0x927C # Deprecated
Interop = 0xA005
IFD1 = - 1
class LightSource ( IntEnum ):
Unknown = 0x00
Daylight = 0x01
Fluorescent = 0x02
Tungsten = 0x03
Flash = 0x04
Fine = 0x09
Cloudy = 0x0A
Shade = 0x0B
DaylightFluorescent = 0x0C
DayWhiteFluorescent = 0x0D
CoolWhiteFluorescent = 0x0E
WhiteFluorescent = 0x0F
StandardLightA = 0x11
StandardLightB = 0x12
StandardLightC = 0x13
D55 = 0x14
D65 = 0x15
D75 = 0x16
D50 = 0x17
ISO = 0x18
Other = 0xFF