ImageShow Module#

The ImageShow Module is used to display images. All default viewers convert the image to be shown to PNG format. Image, title: str | None = None, **options: Any) bool[source]#

Display a given image.

  • image – An image object.

  • title – Optional title. Not all viewers can display the title.

  • **options – Additional viewer options.


True if a suitable viewer was found, False otherwise.

class PIL.ImageShow.IPythonViewer[source]#

The viewer for IPython frontends.

class PIL.ImageShow.WindowsViewer[source]#

The default viewer on Windows is the default system application for PNG files.

class PIL.ImageShow.MacViewer[source]#

The default viewer on macOS using

class PIL.ImageShow.UnixViewer[source]#

The following viewers may be registered on Unix-based systems, if the given command is found:

class XDGViewer#

The xdg-open command.

class DisplayViewer#

The ImageMagick display command. This viewer supports the title parameter.

class GmDisplayViewer#

The GraphicsMagick gm display command.

class EogViewer#

The GNOME Image Viewer eog command.

class XVViewer#

The X Viewer xv command. This viewer supports the title parameter.

To provide maximum functionality on Unix-based systems, temporary files created from images will not be automatically removed by Pillow.

PIL.ImageShow.register(viewer, order: int = 1) None[source]#

The register() function is used to register additional viewers:

from PIL import ImageShow
ImageShow.register(MyViewer())  # MyViewer will be used as a last resort
ImageShow.register(MySecondViewer(), 0)  # MySecondViewer will be prioritised
ImageShow.register(ImageShow.XVViewer(), 0)  # XVViewer will be prioritised
  • viewer – The viewer to be registered.

  • order – Zero or a negative integer to prepend this viewer to the list, a positive integer to append it.

class PIL.ImageShow.Viewer[source]#

Base class for viewers.

show(image: Image, **options: Any) int[source]#

The main function for displaying an image. Converts the given image to the target format and displays it.

format: str | None = None#

The format to convert the image into.

options: dict[str, Any] = {}#

Additional options used to convert the image.

get_format(image: Image) str | None[source]#

Return format name, or None to save as PGM/PPM.

get_command(file: str, **options: Any) str[source]#

Returns the command used to display the file. Not implemented in the base class.

save_image(image: Image) str[source]#

Save to temporary file and return filename.

show_image(image: Image, **options: Any) int[source]#

Display the given image.

show_file(path: str, **options: Any) int[source]#

Display given file.